Canada has a lot going for it – it is consistently ranked one of the best countries to live in throughout the world, and it offers an abundance of natural beauty.

However, one area that Canada is lagging behind in is waste management, which is a goal of waste removal in Toronto. When it comes to how we deal with trash, Canada is actually ranked fairly low among developed countries. The country still has a record of dumping millions of tonnes of waste into landfills every year instead of recovering most of it.
However, aside from possible contamination of land and water from waste products, there’s a huge opportunity with the help of waste removal services. Many of the items that end up in landfills contain materials that can be recovered, which is something that many trash removal companies are diligent about. Continue Reading for more information.
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1-800 RID-OF-IT
246 Pacific Ave, Toronto, ON M6P 2P5
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Business Phone Number: 416-743-6348